Sunday, January 12, 2014


We will continue our unit on Folklore. 

Last week, we read a Fairytale called Yeh-Shen (the Chinese Cinderella).  Students will complete 4 worksheets on this tale.  These will be the last 4 grades entered before Report Cards.

We will also begin research for Tall Tales.    Many regions in the United States have their own tall-tale heroes and heroines.  These tales paint pictures of the people, land, and animals of that region.

Students will use Ipads to research regions in the United States from the bayous of Louisiana to the Rocky Mountain-- the deserts of the Southwest to the Florida Everglades. 

Again, there will be no vocabulary test.  However, students continue to be responsible for the terms we copied into their notebooks last week. 

Guidelines for next book report for 6A and 6B only.  Book Report is Due March 6th.  Handout is coming home with each student before Wednesday.

Book Report Poster Pre-Writing List

You must have this complete before I will give you the actual poster.                       You many only work on the poster in school.


What is this person famous for:

Draw a portrait:

Born? Died? (if died)

A summary of most important accomplishments in life…

If this person’s story was turned into a movie, I would call it ____________________________________________________

Then draw three important scenes from the movie with captions 

Quotable Quote- something important the person said

Life Lesson- something important I learned from this person

In Five Words- Five words that describe the person

Final Fact- One last thing I want to tell you about this person

Super Resources- To learn more about this person, here are some books, websites, and resources


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