Sunday, September 11, 2016

All Information in now emailed to parents on a weekly basis.

We just weren't getting enough "traffic" on our blogs and we needed to reach the masses...
So, now important information will be sent home every week via emails.  We checked during Open House and with several messages (notes sent home) to make sure everyone is receiving emails.  If you see this message and realize you haven't received any messages from the 6th grade teachers, please let us know ASAP.

Thank You

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Please make sure you are on our email list.

Many parents have told me they liked email better than blogs.  If you are reading this, please know I have not posted as often as I used to because I am sending emails.


My email is

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Day Update...

I don't post on here as much as I used to because I've found it is usually much easier for everyone if I just email.

All students have a Mood Poem due.  It was due today so that means I will collect them Monday.  I don't like having items due on Mondays but considering the circumstances...

It must be handwritten on plain white paper.  I supplied the white paper.  I will grade on punctuation and grammar, neatness, illustration included (in color) and format followed.

Write a MOOD poem

AState a mood 
B. Write three things the mood is not (two stated briefly, one stated as a comparison). 
C.  Switch to a statement of what the mood is. 
D.  State three more descriptions of the mood.

I’m happy 
Not spaced-out, silly-faced happy 
Not delirious with a fever happy 
Not happy like a man who has pleasantly lost his memory 
But just under the surface of my skin happy 
Glad that life is still mine despite problems 
Glad that I still appreciate a good sunset 
Glad that I am still in love.

ALSO- each student had an assignment of finding a poem for their recitation next week.  It was due Thursday but I extended that deadline (now Monday as well).  Each student should have a handout of the requirements and rubric.

Please check your child's 3 ring binder.  We started a Poetry section.  In that section they should have the following notes:

Tone- author’s attitude (positive or negative)
created by: setting and choice of vocabulary

Mood- what the reader feels- emotions

hyperbole-use of exaggeration to make a point

Imagery-the use of language to create visual pictures in head

personification-gives human qualities to an object or animal

prose- any written work that is not poetry

poetry-piece of writing that can express an idea or emotion-may rhyme or not

connotation-how a word makes you feel

denotation- dictionary definition

They should look over these.  They will have a vocabulary test on them soon.

Keep warm, be safe.  I hope to see all of you on Monday.