Monday, November 30, 2015

Update in Language Arts

I haven't been on here in awhile (been sending emails instead).


Here's what's going on in Language Arts.

We are currently studying Folklore.

Students recently handed in original Tall Tales.  We will work on editing a few of those this week.  I will take the student names off of the paper and display it on the overhead.  Students will help me improve the work as well as point out the positive features.  Students often improve their own writing once they become a peer editor.

Please check with your student to make sure they are keeping up with their notes.  Today, we covered Fairy Tales.  Their notes should include the following:

Common Elements of Fairy Tales:

1.     Once upon a time
2.     a long, long time ago
3.     fantasy and make believe
4.     good and evil characters
5.     royalty
6.     magic/fantasy
7.     three is the magic number
8.     they all lived happily ever after
9.     a damsel in distress
10.   a problem that needs solved

We are going to do an activity on Tuesday that will show students a unique way of writing as we recount the events in a fairy tale.

Later on this week, students will receive a "passport".  They will need to find 6 stories from 6 different countries.  These stories can be any category of Folklore.

Next week, we will cover Legends and begin Myths.



Sunday, October 25, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

What is RUNNERS??

We have added the following notes to our three-ring binders.

R     Read the Title
U     Underline (with pencil) as you skim and scan
N     Number your paragraphs
E     Eliminate wrong answers
R     Re-read where necessary
S     Select the BEST answer

Students should use this method every time they read a passage for comprehension.

Vocabulary Test is Thursday on the following words.  (Students received words last week).

1. acute- adjective
sharp, keen

2. audacity- noun
bold, daring, arrogant

3. derision- noun
ridicule, mean laughter

4. foresight- noun
the power to see what will happen

5. mockery- noun
a person who receives derision

6. premises- noun
a house and its land

7. profound-adjective
having or showing great intelligence

8. raved- verb
to talk wildly

9. refrained- verb
kept from doing something

10. sagacity- noun
sound judgement- make smart decisions

11. stifled- verb
to stop

12. unperceived- verb- not seen or understood

13. vehemently-adverb-acting with great force

14. vex- verb to disturb or annoy

15. waned- verb to become less intense




Sunday, October 4, 2015


Sorry I haven't updated my BLOG lately but I have been sending emails.  If you are reading this BLOG and not receiving emails, please let me know because we will need to add you to our list.

We just finished Freak the Mighty!! Students really seemed to like the book.  We started the Final Exam on Friday.  Students will be given time on Monday to finish.  After that, we will begin watching the movie.

The movie, The Mighty,  contains the same themes as the book: the importance of friendship and family, the difference between myth and reality, recognizing worth in all people, the importance of a positive self-concept, and  overcoming challenges and tragedies.  As a class we will be analyzing and comparing the movie to the novel.  We will be specifically looking at plot structure, character development, mood, tone and point of view.  We will be comparing the similarities and differences and the effectiveness or ineffectiveness in which the filmmakers have adapted the story.
I am including a link to Rodman Philbrick's website so you can get more information if desired.

If for any reason you do not want your child to view the movie--that is no problem. An alternate lesson will be given.  Students not watching the movie will be given an essay assignment on one of the themes of the movie--this way they will not lose any classroom participation points.

However, I have told students watching the movie (part Monday, part Tuesday) they may bring snacks and "snugglies".

In other news...I know you have not received any Take Home Folders recently.  We are trying something new in class called CANVAS.  The entire school is using this new program to do online lessons (modules) and tests.  I am not the quickest person when it comes to technology BUT I am trying.

ANYWAY,  we are taking "baby steps" right now.  We have taken one quiz online and it went ok.  We are working out the kinks.   I will keep you posted.

Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14th--Language Art News

Hello All:

We are continuing our book Freak the Mighty.

Students will have their first Vocabulary Quiz this Friday.

Here are the words:

Vocabulary for Freak The Mighty Chapters 1-8

1. unvanquished

2. scuttle

3. perspective

4. sobriquet

5. trajectory

6. glimpse

7. hunker(ing)

8. postulate

9. deficiency

10. converging

11. evasive

12. propelled

13. demeanor

14. depleted

15. cretin

16. quest

17. invincible

18. expel

19. archetype

20. ornithopter

Today, students are bringing home a graded reading passage that needs signed/initialed and returned to me no later than Wednesday.

PLEASE make sure your child is reading every night and working on Book Adventure and/or completing their projects.  I have students handing in projects that are not on the list ( a bit confusing).  The list should be the first page in their 3 ring binder.

Deadline for all projects/quizzes for first quarter is mid-October.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Language Art News 8-26

Please make sure your child is registered on Book Adventure.  You do not need to sign up under a teacher or a team.

Here is the link:

Each child should have 5 books read and projects completed by Friday, October 16.  Please read the information in your child's 3 ring binder.

Students are required to have a book with them at all times and in all classes.

Notes we have taken in class (thus far):
  1. place or location
  2. time-historical period, day/night, season
  3. weather conditions
  4. social conditions-dialect, dress, act
  5. mood-the emotion the reader feels
In order to make a character seem real the author gives us information —this is called characterization.

Characterization includes:
a)  his/her physical appearance
b)   what they think and feel
c)   what others say about him/her

Protagonist-the leading character or one of the main characters

Antagonist-a character that opposes someone (disagree or act against)

There will be a quiz on these next week.

Please check to make sure your student has these notes.

Homework for tonight: Character Builder Worksheet.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome Back!!

Mrs. Brindle’s 6th grade Language Arts
A classroom must have a positive, safe, and organized environment in order for children to reach their fullest potential.  Read and discuss the following classroom expectations with your child.  Please print this letter, sign at the bottom and bring it to Mrs. Brindle the first week of school.

Please visit this website to see the entire 6th grade curriculum

A few of the topics we will cover include:

Grammar Reading Comprehension and Fluency Black History Poetry
Greek  Mythology Legends Tall Tales Folk Tales
Immigration Propaganda/Advertising Writing
Short Story Elements
Literary Devices Figurative Language Auto/Biographies
Fiction Non-fiction Drama/plays Author’s Purpose

We will also explore a variety of informative sources and have collaborative discussions.

Novels: (will/may be read)
Freak the Mighty, Stargirl, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Number the Stars, Ashes of RosesPeter Pan


I will go over the Neuse Charter School Handbook the first week of school—that discussion will include (but not be limited to)  the Middle School Grading Policy, Discipline, and Absences.

Classroom Expectations:
1. Be on time and prepared to work.  Have all supplies.  

        Teacher does not loan pencils or other materials.
2. Stay in your assigned seat/learning area.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4. Respect others and school property.
5. Raise your hand to speak and listen to speaker.
6. Put forth your best effort.
7. Follow the directions of all school staff.
8. Follow all directions in Handbook.

What to expect:Students will enter the classroom quietly and immediately begin “Bell-Ringer”/Prompt on the board every day.

After about 5 minutes, we will discuss a few student responses.

Students will watch CNN Student News, journal, and discuss.

Daily Lesson 

Centers/Silent Reading ( 20-30 minutes)  The first Unit will focus on FTM mini-projects.

Plan on having a Vocabulary Quiz on Thursdays.  Other quizzes, tests, and projects will be announced ahead of time.  While reading novels, we may have daily quizzes.

Students will bring home TAKE HOME FOLDERS most Mondays.  Parents need to initial each graded paper and return to school by Wednesday.

6th Grade will have Positive Incentives once a month.  Students must hand in all homework and signed work to attend.  Any student with suspensions or more than one office referral will not participate.

Thank you for your support.  The 6th grade team looks forward to working with you to make this a successful year!

I have read this expectation letter:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What's happening this week in 6th grade Language Arts...

Students will continue to study advertising, propaganda, and persuasion.  They are responsible for all their notes over the last week.  We will have a quiz on Thursday or Friday.

Groups have developed a product (energy drink, cereal, shoes, technological device, etc).  Monday, they will finish the "story board" for their commercial.  Tuesday (weather permitting) we will go outside and film the commercials.  Wednesday, we will complete the editing process.

PLEASE remember everyone: you need your products, props, and costumes.

We will continue reviewing for EOG's every day.

I will be sending home the first reading passage this Tuesday.  Please check to make sure your child has that passage.  Remember, it's ok for you to sit and read with him/her.  You may also help them with finding and proving their answers.  The more help they have--the better.

I will grade each of these packets.

Students: please continue working on Moby Max and read!

A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THE PARENTS WHO SENT IN BASKET ITEMS!  We really appreciate each and every one of you.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Poetry, Poetry and more Poetry

We will continue our Poetry Unit this week.

New vocabulary words will be given on Monday.

Students will have a Vocabulary Test on Thursday.

We are also practicing EOG test taking strategies.


Please continue working on Moby Max at home.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week of March 23rd...To all my celestial tender-hearted pigeon eggs and gallant thunder-darting wafer cakes...

We are studying POETRY!

Students are reviewing several types of poems, learning some new ones, and writing their own versions.

We are currently working on Elizabethan Sonnets.  1st Block and 4th Block have an original one due this Friday.

Friday, we will have a vocabulary tests on the poetry terms given on Monday.

We are also doing grammar almost every day in our warm up activities.  


What is for homework you ask...MOBY MAX at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes.  Read every night and keep those book slips coming.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Language Arts News

Read, Read, Read...if your child says they have no homework in Language Arts--NOT true.  They need to read every night.  Several students have not handed in any book slips yet even though they should be on #5.

ALSO, they should work on Moby Max at least 20-30 minutes 3 nights a week minimum.

This week, students are doing a short research classwork assignment on a person from the Harlem Renaissance.

Please ask your child if they decided to do the BIOBOX or the BIO POSTER.  If they chose box, they will need 5 sheets of card stock.  If they said poster, then they will need one poster board.

I will have step by step directions for each one.

As always, thank you for all you do.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

What is happening in Language Arts...

We have finished Folklore and I am grading final tests in between typing.  I will have those back to the students Tuesday.  Please make sure you see them and initial them.  Every student should have brought home a Grimm Brothers Reading Passage and an Arachne the Spider Reading Passage last week to have signed.  If you haven't seen them...

My goal is to have all those grades posted to Power School this week as well.  If you have not yet received your password for Power School, please stop by the front office.

I have changed the 40 Book Challenge a bit.  By having just one deadline (previously) students were waiting until the last minute.  So, now we are breaking it up a bit.  The first reading summary sheet is due this Tuesday.  Students need to pace themselves to have 10 books completed by end of this 9 weeks.  

Now, we are studying Black History Month.  Everyone received a BINGO card.  The first 2 projects are due by this Wednesday (they have known for about 2 weeks).  In all, 4 boxes must be completed and students may work ahead.  Unlike, regular BINGO they do NOT have to have 4 in a row.  I'm trying to make it a bit easier by saying any 4 blocks at all are fine.  Again, only 2 are due by Wednesday. 

So far, we have discussed the Triangle Slave Trade.  Students worked together to identify countries, discuss trade, and map out route. 

Friday, I introduced the Underground Railroad and again students worked together to:

1. Find Positions 1 through 7 on the map. Place an “X” to mark each spot on the map. 
2. Color the rivers blue on the map.
3. Trace the state borders along the dotted lines with a pencil.
4. Label the names of the states. DO NOT COLOR THE STATES!
5. Using a red crayon, connect the “X”s with a single line from south to north. 
6. Color the free states purple, the slave states yellow, and Canada green.
7. Write the name of the state each of the seven positions are in on the chart above.

More Advanced Questions:
8. Find the approximate latitude of each of the seven positions and write your findings in the chart above.
9. Every degree of latitude = 60 miles. Using the latitudes you found in question 8, determine how many miles travelled to each position from the last. Add up the total mileage for a complete trip on the underground railroad. Remember, most of this trip was done walking. Think about what it was like to have to walk that far.

NOTE:  1st Block did not do this lesson yet because band students were playing for awards ceremony.    We will do this lesson on Tuesday.

This week, we will continue with spirituals and slave quilts.

Quilt History Reports

The following week we will study the Harlem Renaissance.

Thank you for all the donations to make these lessons happen!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


We are currently studying Folklore.  So far, students have read fairytales from around the world and discussed a few of Aesop's fables/morals.  They have written Pourquois.  They are due tomorrow and I can't wait to see the finished products.  We will also cover Tall Tales, Legends and Myths.

We will not have a vocabulary test until the entire unit is complete.