Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 29-November 1st

 Well, I went to see a Massage Therapist yesterday and it didn't quite work.  She has agreed to make special arrangements to see me again on her day off- so fingers crossed, I will be in less pain by Tuesday. 
6A and 6B should be able to Finish Stargirl this week.  Their vocabulary test will be moved to Friday and spelling counts again this week.

Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters 26-29

1. Unconventional - Out of the ordinary; unusual

2. Asphalt - Pavement

3. Sullen - Brooding; gloomy

4. Tentatively - Uncertainly; experimentally

5. Zeal - Enthusiasm

6. Mesa - Flat-topped elevation with one or more cliff-like sides

Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters 30-End

1. Municipal - City

2. Meringue - Fluffy pastry topping made of beaten eggs

3. Vacant - Empty

4. Disparaged - Belittled

5. Mull - Consider mentally

6. Applaud - Express approval by clapping hands

7. Trance - A state of detachment from one’s physical surroundings

8. Confound - To cause to become confused

                                                      6C will begin a unit on Propaganda
Vocabulary Test is moved to Friday.
Terms to know:

1.  Propaganda-
2.  Name-Calling
3.  Glittering Generalities
4.  Testimonial
5.  Plain Folks
6.  Bandwagon
7.  Fear
8.  advertisement
9.  placard
10. commercial
11. slogan
12. jingle
13. product placement
14. copy
15. circulation

Sunday, October 20, 2013

We have a short week...

Ok, so I'm home all weekend grading One-Pagers...

Overall, they are good.  Some are amazing! Some have completely missed the mark.

Everyone got a packet at the beginning of the year explaining exactly what you were supposed to do.  Hopefully, it will not happen with the 2nd attempt.

Start looking for your 2nd book now.  DO NOT WAIT!  The 2nd book will be a nonfiction book on the SAME theme.  You all have until November 1st to show me your book.  We will discuss the project in class and then I will send home a rubric for everyone.


Monday- Students will get new vocabulary lists.  TEST ON THURSDAY!

6A and 6B-  Since there are only 10 words- students will need to know how to spell this week.

1. Revel - To take great pleasure or delight

2. Facetiously - In fun; as a joke

3. Rapture - the state of being transported by a lofty emotion

4. Shun - To avoid deliberately and consistently

5. Paranoid - Showing unreasonable distrust or suspicion

6. Persisted - Held firmly to some purpose or undertaking despite obstacles or setbacks

7. Curious - Eager to acquire knowledge

8. Swoon - Faint

9. Impulse - Urge

10. Appreciate - To be thankful or show gratitude for

We will continue reading Stargirl. 


“THE MONKEY'S PAW" Vocabulary

1.  placid adv.– pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil;
2.  amiably adv. – having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities;
3.  condoled v.t. – to express sympathy with a person who is suffering sorrow
4.  rubicund adj. – red or reddish; ruddy: a rubicund complexion.

5.  fakir n. – a Muslim or Hindu religious person or monk commonly considered a wonder-worker.
6.  jarred v.i. – to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves,
7.  talisman n. – anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions.
8.  enthralled v.t. – to captivate or charm:
9.  maligned v.t. – to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame:
10. frivolous adj. – characterized by lack of seriousness or sense:
11. scurrying v.i. – to go or move quickly or in haste.
12.  apparel n. – clothing, esp. outerwear; garments; attire;
13.  broach to mention or suggest for the first time:
14.  apathy n. – absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
15.  audible adj. – capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard.
16.  reverberated v.i. – to reecho or resound:





Sunday, October 13, 2013

What to look for this week...

Every student will write down their current grade for Language Arts in their agenda on Monday.  It must be signed by a parent/guardian and checked by me before Wednesday.

Graded papers will also come home in Take Home Folders on Monday.  Please sign and return before Wednesday.

Technology Seminar will continue with the study of Commercials.  We have discussed target audience, what techniques attract that target audience, product placement, and jingles/slogans.  Students are working in groups of 3 to design a new product and write a 30 minute commercial for it.  They can choose shoes, a drink, a cereal, or a toy/game.  They are completing storyboards with script.  The final product will be made on the IPADS complete with sound and special effects.

6A and 6B will continue reading Stargirl.  We are currently on Chapter 10.  Overall, everyone is doing a great job on filling out their study guides and taking chapter quizzes.

Here is a link to a free download-

Vocabulary for this week:

Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters 10-13

1. Massacre - Slaughter

2. Allegiance - Loyalty

3. Hesitate - Hold back in uncertainty

4. Fanatics - People obsessed by an excessive enthusiasm for something

5. Oblivious - Unaware

6. Mania - Craze; excessively popular thing to do
Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters 14-17

1. Devastation - Destruction
2. Raucous - Noisy; boisterous

3. Barren - Without vegetation
4. Merge - Join together
5. Lotus - Sitting cross-legged with the feet above the thighs
6. Prone - Lying face down
7. Interrogate - Question
8. Cacti - Plural of cactus
9. Subdued - Calmed; quieted

6C will read The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.  This week's vocabulary is based on that short story.

prospects--Chances or possibilities, especially for success or profit (Noun)
vexation--Anger or annoyance (Noun)
pauper--A poor person, especially one who depends on public charity (Noun)
adulation--Excessive praise or flattery (Noun)
aghast--Filled with horror or shock (Adjective)
ruinous--Bringing ruin or downfall; disastrous (Adjective)
gamut--The entire range or series of something (Noun)
privation--Lack of basic necessities or comforts of life (Noun)
exorbitant--Much too high; excessive (Adjective)
askew--Crooked to one side (Adjective)
adorn --make more attractive by adding ornament, color, etc.
caste --social status or position conferred by a system based on class
hierarchy --a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a syste
lofty --having or displaying great dignity or nobility
indignant--angered at something unjust or wrong
humble--marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
desolate--crushed by grief
dwell--think moodily or anxiously about something
vestibule--a large entrance or reception room or area
chagrin --strong feelings of embarrassment
usury-- the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest
naïve --marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My mistake...

6A did not get Take Home Folders this week.  There was only one paper to send home so I guess we will just do it next week.  However, vocabulary test is still tomorrow.  Ask your student about the novel we are reading.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October is here...

Last Friday, 6C had a mystery party.  6A and 6B worked diligently on their books.  I have some pictures I would like to post.  Also, the newspaper and yearbook may publish some.  I would like to know if there is anyone who does not wish to have their child's picture posted.  If you do not want any pictures of your child on my blog, please email me personally at  If I do not hear from you by Wednesday of this week- I will know it's okay to move forward.

On Monday, we will hand back work from last week, go over it, answer questions and place it all in the Take Home Folders.  Please make sure you sign it and return it before Wednesday.

I will give back all the signed work from previous weeks and help students organize their 3 ring binders.  Please DO NOT clean out your child's notebook.  Everything that is in there--needs to be in there.  We will clean them out at school when it is time.

6A and 6B will begin their first novel.  We will read it in class.  Students will read silently, together, and with an audio text.  They will have quizzes throughout the novel.  Vocabulary will be from the book. 
The novel is called Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.  Please feel free to download or purchase a copy if you like.  I have no problem with students bringing Kindles or Nooks.  However, they cannot use them at any other time and NCS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters Necktie-4

1. Isosceles - Having two equal sides

2. Marquee - Signboard projecting over an entrance to a building

3. Elusive - Can’t be caught

4. Conceived - Thought up; imagined
5. Episode - Incident; event

6. Convinced - Caused to believe something

7. Hoax - Deceitful prank

8. Ukulele - A small four-stringed guitar

9. Perpetual - Lasting for eternity

10. Serenaded - Gave a musical performance (especially one for a sweetheart)

11. Veered - Turned

12. Acquired - Got

13. Absurdity - Something that is ridiculous or unreasonable

14. Nonconformity - Refusing to be bound by the accepted rules or practices of a group
Even though students are not using Vocabulary Workbooks this week- they should have them in their book bags every day.

We will also prepare for our fieldtrip in November by reading ...

Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven and Tell Tale Heart

6C will finish fingerprinting this week.  We will also peer edit and revise Biometric essays.  There are a few students who never handed in a paper.
6C will tackle "The Raven" this week.  Their vocabulary will come from this very difficult poem.  I have reduced the list from 54 to 20 words (hope that helps).
Vocabulary for week of 10/7 for 6C-
the appearance conveyed by a person's face
to swallow hurriedly or greedily
highly attractive
a stopping
attract; cause to be enamored
(Greek mythology) goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare
a container for burning incense (especially one that is swung on a chain in a religious ritual)
a pause from doing something (as work)
a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person

an angel; usually portrayed as the winged head of a child
bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting
threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
propriety in manners and conduct
ask for or request earnestly
a violent commotion or disturbance
abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
dignified manner or conduct
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
filled with a great quantity