Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcome Back...

Time to get back to work...

All classes will be bringing home lots of graded work to be signed.  Please make sure you ask to see it and sign it- Thanks.

Also 6A and 6B are still doing READING LOGS- EVERY night.  Please check and sign those as well.

6A and 6B will be doing CENTERS this entire week.  I have put together several different centers that the students will rotate through.  We will be doing HOT DOTS, Vocabulary, Guinness Book Writing Prompt Cards and several other skill building activities.  PLEASE make sure your child brings their Purple Vocabulary Book with them on Monday and every day this week.  Students also need pencils, lined paper and their NONfiction Book everyday.


6C will begin a Mythology Unit.  We will start with Ancient Greece.  Students will learn about the daily lives and special events of Ancient Greeks.  Students will also learn about Greek architecture, do map activities and vocabulary exercises.  There will be a vocabulary list but no test.  Instead, students will have vocabulary activities for grades.
Next, we will begin a review of the Greek gods. Students will create Mythology biographical poems, and be quizzed on information about each god/goddess.  We will read a few myths from our Literature books. 

6C students will be given their next project on Monday or Tuesday of this week.  It is called Mythology All Around Us.  Rubrics and instructions will come home by Tuesday.  The due date for this project is December 16th.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Only 2 days this week BUT lots to do...

On Monday- 6A and 6B will have a Vocabulary Quiz on the Propaganda words they got last week. 

We will also finish our cut and paste project where students have to find examples of the 6 types of propaganda techniques and explain them.

For Example:
This advertisement uses the TESTIMONIAL TECHNIQUE- that is when a  celebrity endorses a product.  We think if Jessica Simpson uses Proactiv maybe I should too. 

6A and 6B students will be required to fill out their Reading Log for Monday night and Tuesday night.  A parent signature is required for each night.  I am checking these each week and students are getting a grade for this so please make sure your student is reading and recording it on their log. 

Non-Fiction books are past due.  Students should have their book with them EVERY day.  Soon we will have reading remediation during club time and students without books will lose points off of their grades.

ABC Projects are DUE DEC 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6C has 2 projects due on MONDAY the 25th.
One is a movie soundtrack and the other is a dictionary.  No extensions will be given!

We will watch the movie THE MIGHTY and compare it to the book FREAK THE MIGHTY.
Some students did not have their permission slip turned in by Thursday and some didn't hand in one at all- they will be given an alternate assignment for a grade.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week of November 18-22

Monday - PJ
Tuesday - Wacky Tacky
Wednesday - Twin
Thursday - BLACK
Friday - Spirit Wear

6C- Work on those Projects!! They are due Monday 11/25!!!!

We will finish Freak the Mighty this week and watch the movie.  Snacks are allowed on movie day.  Parents, I will send home a permission slip for the movie.  Any student who doesn't bring one back will receive an alternate assignment.

I will also have Ipads a few days this week for students who need to work on projects.  I will  supply paper, markers and colored pencils for students to work on ABC books. 

All students should have Nonfiction books with them every day.

6C will not have a vocabulary test this week.  However, they will have a Final Exam on Freak the Mighty.   On the last test, several students did not do the required reading and thought they would "pull one over on me" because it was an open book test.  Let's not do that again.

6A and 6B
We will finish up our mini-unit on Biometrics and begin Propaganda.
This week's vocabulary is:

1.  Propaganda-
2.  Name-Calling
3.  Glittering Generalities
4.  Testimonial
5.  Plain Folks
6.  Bandwagon
7.  Fear
8.  advertisement
9.  placard
10. commercial
11. slogan
12. jingle
13. product placement
14. copy
15. circulation

TEST will not be Thursday- let's wait until Monday the 25th. 


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Three Day Weekend- Plenty of time to work on your projects... [lol]

Parents/ Guardians Please look for Take Home Folders this week.  Make sure to sign all  graded papers and return the next day. 
Also Please ask to see the instructions and rubrics for the 2 Freak the Mighty Projects.

On a Quest for Music and Dictionary Project--both projects MUST follow the directions exactly.  I will grade directly from the rubric.

Non-Fiction Book Titles are due.  The 2nd Book Project is an ABC book.  Rubrics were sent home 2 weeks ago.

Vocabulary Homework for the week.  There will be no test this week.  I will grade the homework for Vocabulary grade instead.

Freak the Mighty Vocabulary Assignment
Directions:  Make vocabulary flashcards as you read with the word on one side and the definition, the sentence from the book, a picture, and the page number on the other side. 

1.    urgency
2.    gruel
3.    furrowed
4.    dysfunctional
5.    kin
6.    injustice
7.    trussed
8.    accommodations
9.    bloated
10.  tenements

6A and 6B

Students will receive a READING LOG for the week.  They MUST read every night and have someone 'sign off' on it.  I will use this for a grade but more importantly- we simple need to increase the amount of reading some of our 6th graders are currently doing.  Reading is fundamental to all subject areas.  Just like anything else, one needs to practice to get better. 

Please DO NOT forget the 40 BOOK CHALLENGE.  I have had very few students get the chart signed.

Non- Fiction Book Titles are Due.  The Project for the 2nd nine weeks is an ABC book- all students have a rubric.

Take Home Folders are coming home Tuesday.  Please sign and return. 

Students will be studying the field of Biometrics.  One of the activities we will do this week is fingerprinting.  We will study the three main types of fingerprints.  The students will take their own and classify/organize them accordingly.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Welcome November...

First of all, I just want everyone to know that I am having some medical issues.  I apologize for any school that I have to miss.  I absolutely hate not being at work and have tried to make as many appointments after school as possible.  Unfortunately, doctors don't always see it my way.  I will be out for a few more tests, pokes and prods.  Hopefully, this will all be over soon and I can get back to a normal routine.  I will do everything in my power (in the meantime) to make sure classroom instruction follows our objectives and pacing guide.  There will be no "down time"-we will forge ahead.

6C will begin FREAK THE MIGHTY on Monday.  My goal is to finish this novel before Thanksgiving Break.

Here is the vocabulary for Week #1.
1.   unvanquished
2.   scuttle
3.   perspective
4.   sobriquet
5.   trajectory
6.   postulate
7.   deficiency
8.   converging
9.   evasive
10.   propelled
11.   demeanor
12.   depleted
13.   cretin
14.   quest
15.   invincible
16.   expel
17.   archetype
18.   hunkering
19.  glimpse
20.  bulkhead

Students will also have 2 projects due by the time we finish the book.  Please look for and ask to go over the required elements of these projects.  Directions and rubrics will be coming home this week.

6A and 6B- will begin a unit on Biometrics

1.       buccal swab       
Swab of inner portion of cheek; collected to determine the profile of an individual.

2.       chain of custody                 

A list of all persons who came into possession of an item of evidence.

3.       physical evidence                  

Any object that can establish that a crime has been committed or  can                                          
provide a link between a crime and its victim or between a crime and its perpetrator.

4.       standard/reference sample          
Physical evidence whose origin is known, such as blood or hair from a  suspect, that can be compared to crime-scene evidence.

5.     crime scene   
The place where some form of illegal activity, such as a robbery or a murder,   took place.
6.     fingerprint analysis
The study of fingerprints, which can take the form of a loop, an arc, a whorl, or a combination of these.
7.     forensic science    
The study of evidence discovered at a crime scene and used in a court of law.
8.     BIOMETRICS--biometry -the measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics (as fingerprint or voice patterns) especially as a means of verifying personal identity

9.     Substrate Control
Uncontaminated surface material close to an area where physical evidence has been deposited.

1) Observe/Question
2) Hypothesize
3) Test
4) Conclude