All students have a Mood Poem due. It was due today so that means I will collect them Monday. I don't like having items due on Mondays but considering the circumstances...
It must be handwritten on plain white paper. I supplied the white paper. I will grade on punctuation and grammar, neatness, illustration included (in color) and format followed.
Write a MOOD poem
A. State a mood
B. Write three things the mood is not (two stated briefly, one stated as a comparison).
C. Switch to a statement of what the mood is.
D. State three more descriptions of the mood.
I’m happy
Not spaced-out, silly-faced happy
Not delirious with a fever happy
Not happy like a man who has pleasantly lost his memory
But just under the surface of my skin happy
Glad that life is still mine despite problems
Glad that I still appreciate a good sunset
Glad that I am still in love.
ALSO- each student had an assignment of finding a poem for their recitation next week. It was due Thursday but I extended that deadline (now Monday as well). Each student should have a handout of the requirements and rubric.
Please check your child's 3 ring binder. We started a Poetry section. In that section they should have the following notes:
Tone- author’s attitude (positive or negative)
created by: setting and choice of vocabulary
Mood- what the reader feels- emotions
hyperbole-use of exaggeration to make a point
Imagery-the use of language to create visual pictures in head
personification-gives human qualities to an object or animal
prose- any written work that is not poetry
poetry-piece of writing that can express an idea or emotion-may rhyme or not
connotation-how a word makes you feel
denotation- dictionary definition
They should look over these. They will have a vocabulary test on them soon.
Keep warm, be safe. I hope to see all of you on Monday.
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