Sunday, October 13, 2013

What to look for this week...

Every student will write down their current grade for Language Arts in their agenda on Monday.  It must be signed by a parent/guardian and checked by me before Wednesday.

Graded papers will also come home in Take Home Folders on Monday.  Please sign and return before Wednesday.

Technology Seminar will continue with the study of Commercials.  We have discussed target audience, what techniques attract that target audience, product placement, and jingles/slogans.  Students are working in groups of 3 to design a new product and write a 30 minute commercial for it.  They can choose shoes, a drink, a cereal, or a toy/game.  They are completing storyboards with script.  The final product will be made on the IPADS complete with sound and special effects.

6A and 6B will continue reading Stargirl.  We are currently on Chapter 10.  Overall, everyone is doing a great job on filling out their study guides and taking chapter quizzes.

Here is a link to a free download-

Vocabulary for this week:

Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters 10-13

1. Massacre - Slaughter

2. Allegiance - Loyalty

3. Hesitate - Hold back in uncertainty

4. Fanatics - People obsessed by an excessive enthusiasm for something

5. Oblivious - Unaware

6. Mania - Craze; excessively popular thing to do
Stargirl Vocabulary Chapters 14-17

1. Devastation - Destruction
2. Raucous - Noisy; boisterous

3. Barren - Without vegetation
4. Merge - Join together
5. Lotus - Sitting cross-legged with the feet above the thighs
6. Prone - Lying face down
7. Interrogate - Question
8. Cacti - Plural of cactus
9. Subdued - Calmed; quieted

6C will read The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.  This week's vocabulary is based on that short story.

prospects--Chances or possibilities, especially for success or profit (Noun)
vexation--Anger or annoyance (Noun)
pauper--A poor person, especially one who depends on public charity (Noun)
adulation--Excessive praise or flattery (Noun)
aghast--Filled with horror or shock (Adjective)
ruinous--Bringing ruin or downfall; disastrous (Adjective)
gamut--The entire range or series of something (Noun)
privation--Lack of basic necessities or comforts of life (Noun)
exorbitant--Much too high; excessive (Adjective)
askew--Crooked to one side (Adjective)
adorn --make more attractive by adding ornament, color, etc.
caste --social status or position conferred by a system based on class
hierarchy --a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a syste
lofty --having or displaying great dignity or nobility
indignant--angered at something unjust or wrong
humble--marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
desolate--crushed by grief
dwell--think moodily or anxiously about something
vestibule--a large entrance or reception room or area
chagrin --strong feelings of embarrassment
usury-- the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest
naïve --marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience

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