1. lethargy
2. melancholy
3. chandelier
4. amicable
5. henchmen
6. coquettish
7. lagoon
8. quiver
9. spinster
10. remedy
All classes will have these words but each class will have different homework. We will NOT be reading for homework this week. Please check to make sure your student is doing vocabulary each night this week. We will read Peter Pan in class each day and work on vocabulary each night.
6C - write the part of speech for each word , 2 synonyms and one antonym for each.
6A- Make index cards ( may use squares of paper) I have supply of paper. Write the word on the front and the definition on the back. Clip or band the cards together and make sure to have them all week.
ALSO -- PLEASE sign all work that comes home and return ASAP. If no work is coming home--we have a breakdown in communication. EVERY student has papers that should be coming home for a signature. Take Home Folders are sent home at the beginning of each week.
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