Sunday, November 30, 2014

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?

Week of December 1-5:

1st Block and 2nd Block:
Vocabulary for the week- test on Thursday
1.     typhus
2.     surge
3.     mourning
4.     staccato
5.     stricken
6.     tantalize
7.     sprawling
8.     donned
9.     exasperated
10.   warily
11.    deprivation
12.   anthem
13.   concealed
14.   permeated
15.   contempt

We will either finish (or be dangerously close to finishing) the novel this week.  Students will continue having open book/notebook quizzes.  They will also have a final exam upon completion of the novel.

Along with the novel, we will continue grammar lessons.  Next week, we will have a writing workshop.  Students will get their short story rough drafts back and work on making revisions.

PLEASE remember, all students are required to read 10 books each nine weeks.  Encourage your student to read each night.  Students should read each night for 30 minutes and write a 3 sentence summary.  I will not provide actual reading logs this week but I will go over the directions with the students so they know what is expected.  These reading logs will still need signed by parent/guardian.

4th block will continue reading Ashes of Roses.  They have a handout that must be completed.  They also have 2 projects due.  Please ask your student to see the handouts.  There is a rubric for each project.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week of November 17th...

On Monday, all 6th grade students will take a Diagnostic Test in both Language Arts and Math on our new program Moby Max.

1st and 2nd Block have started the novel Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.
Vocabulary Words for this week:
1.  occupation/occupy
2.  ration
3.  swastika
4.  rabbi
5.  hazy
6.  submerge
7.  torment                                                                   
8.  distorted
9.  imprint
10. rueful

I have enough books for each student during class but not to take home. You may want to download or obtain a copy from your local library if your child feels like they are falling behind.

4th Block is reading Ashes of Roses by Mary Jane Auch.  They do not have a vocabulary test this week.  However, there will be vocabulary in their packet for the week.  The packet will cover chapters 6-13 and is due Friday.

4th Block also has 2 current Ashes of Roses projects with a third on the way.  Please ask your child to see the handouts for these projects (complete with rubrics).


Sunday, November 2, 2014

"November's sky is chill and drear...

Wow, where does the time go...

November is going to be hectic...we only have 1 full week of school this entire month!
What shall we do, What shall we do?

I know, how about a short unit on IMMIGRATION? 

New vocabulary words will be given Monday.  Test will be on Thursday.


1.            Ethnic group

2.            Push/Pull factors

3.            Tenement          

4.            Ghetto

5.            Emigrate             

6.            Immigrate          

7.            Melting Pot       

8.            Culture

9.            Barrio -

10.          Citizen

11.          Immigrant –

12.          Immigration Station –

13.          Naturalization -

14.          Steerage -

15.          Descendent -

16.          Ancestor -