We will finish Freak the Mighty this week. Every student should have entire Study Guide complete and ready to use on their final exam. The Study Guide will also be a grade.
The last group of Freak the Mighty vocabulary is as follows:
TEST on Thursday!!
1. abduction
2. obnoxious
3. puny
4. manifestation
5. facilitate
6. aberration
7. accommodations
8. wring
9. marvel
10. slag
September Book is due on the last day of September (9/30).
FREAK THE MIGHTY Mini-Projects will be worked on in class and are due October 3rd.
I AM poems are due ASAP, please.
In October, we will begin our study of the short story. We will review the parts of a plot line, read some stories and even create a few of our own.
September Book is due on the last day of September (9/30).
FREAK THE MIGHTY Mini-Projects will be worked on in class and are due October 3rd.
I AM poems are due ASAP, please.
In October, we will begin our study of the short story. We will review the parts of a plot line, read some stories and even create a few of our own.