Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week of September 30th

6C has a 5 paragraph essay on the pros/cons of Biometrics due this week.  I must have a "hard copy"- No emails or thumb drives please.  I have been having problems with compatible programs.  It may be typed (size 12 font Times New Roman) or neatly written in pen or ink on unlined paper.  Each student has a rubric if you would like to see what is expected.

On Monday, 6C will have a lesson on fingerprinting.  We will study the three main types of fingerprints.  The students will take their own and classify/organize them accordingly.

We will continue lessons on Biometrics throughout the week.  On Friday, 6C is having a MYSTERY PARTY and BRUNCH.  We need people to bring in breakfast items.  Please let me know if you can bring bagels, muffins, or juices.

All students should be in full costume to portray their assigned character.  Yes, they can change after the party if they want to.  I will ask Mrs. Sweat to send Yearbook Staff to take some pictures.

Murder in the Medieval Borgo

All students (6A,B and C)  will get a vocabulary workbook on Monday.  They will be responsible for this book for the rest of the year.   This week's vocabulary list and lessons are in that workbook.

Year Long Book Report One Pager is due October 17th.  I will allow DEAR time every week for students to read.  (DEAR time- Drop Everything and Read)  Every student has been given a packet on what is expected for their ONE PAGER.  Please look over that so there are no surprises.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Today is the first day of Fall!!


Vocabulary for 6C only- 6B and 6A will do these vocabulary words later.

1.       buccal swab       

Swab of inner portion of cheek; collected to determine the profile of an individual.


2.       chain of custody                 

A list of all persons who came into possession of an item of evidence.


3.       physical evidence                  

Any object that can establish that a crime has been committed or  can                                          

provide a link between a crime and its victim or between a crime and its perpetrator.


4.       standard/reference sample          

Physical evidence whose origin is known, such as blood or hair from a  suspect, that can be compared to crime-scene evidence.

5.     crime scene    

The place where some form of illegal activity, such as a robbery or a murder,                                                                     took place.

6.     fingerprint analysis

The study of fingerprints, which can take the form of a loop, an arc, a whorl, or a combination of these.

7.     forensic science    

The study of evidence discovered at a crime scene and used in a court of law.

8.     BIOMETRICS--biometry

 the measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics (as fingerprint or voice patterns) especially as a means of verifying personal identity

9.     Substrate Control

Uncontaminated surface material close to an area where physical evidence has been deposited.


1) Observe/Question

2) Hypothesize

3) Test

4) Conclude

The four steps to the scientific method
6A and 6B Vocabulary Words for this week- test on Thursday!
We are going to concentrate on words associated with writing because we are going to begin writing workshops this week.
1.     audience
2.     essay
3.     drama
4.     details
5.     narrative
6.     prompt
7.     persuasive
8.     author's purpose
9.     cause and effect
10.    coherence
11.    compare and contrast
12.    transitions
13.    anecdote
14.    edit
15.   etymology

Year Long Book Report Fiction Book is overdue for some of you! 
Remember to bring back your signed Take Home Folders by Tuesday.

We will have Drop Everything and Read several times this week- you must have a book with you at ALL times.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fiction Book Title is now overdue!!!

Hello All...
Please read the packet I gave to every student.  In that packet you will see that the first book for the Year Long Book Report was due today.  I was alarmed at the amount of students who had not yet found a fiction book within their theme.  Beginning Monday, 10 dollars/points will be taken off for each day a student does not have a book. 

The first book must be fiction.  Ask your child about their chosen theme.



Saturday, September 14, 2013

What to expect the week of September 16th...

Yes, the vocabulary test is this week- sorry about the delay.  Make sure to study. 

On Monday, 6C will paint their masks and finish Bio Poem and Mask Poem. 

6A and 6B will continue to work on Denotation and Connotation Team Challenge.
Who is your favorite team? 
How about the Mighty Artichokes?

For the rest of the week, 6C will learn how to annotate.  6A and 6B will work on their writing by editing and revising ALL ABOUT ME BOOK.



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vocabulary Test #2

The Vocabulary Test scheduled for Thursday 9/12 has been pushed back to next Tuesday.  We are working so diligently on our writing that time just got away from us.  Please continue to study.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week of September 9th

Attention Parents/Guardians:

PLEASE check Monday for your student's TAKE HOME FOLDER.  Everything in it must be signed
or initialed.  All papers need to be back to me by Wednesday.

Some students in 6A and 6B have not returned Practice EOG Packets- each day they are late costs 10 dollars/points.

Students in 6A and 6B will be doing a MY LIFE SCRAPBOOK PROJECT.  Pictures would be a nice addition but are not absolutely necessary.  Any pictures brought to school may be cut and glued.  So, please do not give the students any irreplaceable family memories.

ALL CLASSES will get new vocabulary words on Monday.  The test is on Thursday.
Vocabulary Words are:
1.     Dialogue
2.     Annotate
3.     Evidence
4.     Paraphrase
5.     Genre
6.     Chronological
7.     Atmosphere
8.     Characterization
9.     Connotation
10.   Denotation

Check AGENDAS every day--CHECK homework is complete--CHECK 40 Book Challenge Chart--

If you have not done so already- please send me your name and email to

Monday, September 2, 2013

September 3- 6th

No School on Monday...

6A and 6B- Almost everyone has finished their Assessment.  I will be sending those packets home.  Students must correct their mistakes in colored pen or pencil.  It would be wonderful if parents/guardians could sit with them and help in this process.  When all questions have been corrected, parents need to sign the packet.  All signed Assessments are due back to me by Friday (Sept. 6th).

YEAR LONG BOOK REPORT THEME IS DUE NEXT WEEK!  Please read the information I sent home with your student.  There is a description, an example and a grading rubric for clarification.

All Classes have Vocabulary Test #1 this Thursday.  Terms/notes should be in three ring binders.