Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Make a Wanted Poster

Choose Your Antagonist

In order for you to create a wanted poster, there has to be a "bad guy" or an antagonist in the story, novel or play. An antagonist works against the protagonist or the hero. This person is also sometimes called the villain and will sometimes deceive or frustrate the hero.
The character that you choose for the wanted poster does not necessarily have to have committed a crime in the story. They just need to have done something that was very negative towards another character in the story, novel, or play.

Here is the template in Microsoft Word  wanted-poster-template.docx

Here is the template in Microsoft PowerPoint wanted-poster-template.ppt
Note: This method is much easier to do since the picture can be exchanged for the test picture where with Word the test picture must be deleted and then add the new picture.

Step 1: Select a character. Write the name of the character on notebook paper and begin a list of items to write on the wanted poster.
Research Character
Take Notes about Antagonist Step 2: Search the text and find if there were any aliases used in the novel for the character.
Step 3: Make a physical description of the character and include any outstanding or distinguishing traits about a character. For example, you should list the following: height, weight, sex, hair color, eye color, scars, clothing, nationality, etc.
Step 4: Describe why the character is "wanted." What terrible thing did the character do? Is the character hiding? Is the character with another character? Is the character "armed and dangerous"?
Step 5: What is the character like? What does the character like to do? What skills or hobbies does the character have?
Step 6: Write where the character was last seen.

Making the Wanted Poster

You can make your wanted posters on the computer or you can use a large piece of construction paper. For the included directions, you will be using a large piece of construction paper.

Materials Needed: Construction paper, markers, scissors, colored pencils, glue sticks, old magazines, computer, printer, computer generated titles or clip art.

Step 7: You need a picture of your character. The picture can come from old magazines. You need to select a model or person who looks like the character. Or, you can search the Internet for a picture or photo.
Step 8: You need to put together all of the parts of the wanted poster:
  • The words "Help Wanted" need to go at the top of the poster in big and bold letters.
  • The name of the character need to be written below in bold letters as well. If you found an alias, please write that too.
  • The picture of the character needs to be glued neatly in the center.
  • You can type or neatly write the physical description. The words "physical description" should be written in bold letters before the description.
  • Write or type why the character is wanted. You can write the word "crime" before the description.
  • Write or type any special skills or hobbies the character has.
  • Write or type where the character was last seen.
Sample Rubric for Wanted Poster
  • Content provides enough description and is accurate.
  • Very few writing convention errors.
  • Titles, description and picture are neatly written, placed and cut.
  • Color and creativity make the poster attractive and interesting.
  • Content mostly provides enough description and is mostly accurate.
  • A few writing convention errors.
  • Titles, description and picture are mostly neatly written, placed and cut.
  • Color and creativity mostly make the poster attractive and interesting.
  • Content somewhat provides enough description and is somewhat accurate.
  • Some writing convention errors.
  • Titles, description and picture are somewhat neatly written, placed and cut.
  • Color and creativity somewhat make the poster attractive and interesting.
  • Content does not provide enough description and is not accurate.
  • Many writing convention errors.
  • Titles, description and picture are not neatly written, placed and cut.
  • Color and creativity do not make the poster attractive or interesting.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Missed Work?? Need Help?? Have to type something???

For the remainder of the year, students may stay after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:15.  I will tutor, help with writing, assist students with "re-dos", etc.  Students who have missed class will need to come in that week and make up all work.  I will no longer try to do it during class or clubs.  So, you miss class on Monday-come in on Tuesday or Thursday and do the work you missed.  Absent on Friday--see you on Tuesday of the next week.
I also have computers for students to use.  They may type papers or do research.  You will have to provide your own flashdrive.                                                                                               

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week of January 23rd

Trying something a little different this week...  I purchased a book on teaching vocabulary through context clues and I really like it.  So, this week each class will get a worksheet with their vocabulary words.  Please check to make sure your student has that worksheet.  We have cleaned out our 3 ring binders and set them up for the 3rd nine weeks.  Now, we just have to keep up with our organizational skills.

Report cards went out on Friday.  Some students received possible retention letters.  Please sign envelopes and letters and return as soon as possible.  I will be setting up conference times for parents who have questions and/or concerns.  We are 1/2 way through the year and it is more important than ever that students hand in assignments and keep up with required reading and other work.

For the remainder of January, we will be focusing on EOG skills.  We will be using our EOG practice books and doing daily drills. . . a little review bootcamp (if you will).  This, of course, is not the only time we will prepare for testing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Immigrant Interviews are due!!

Interviews were assigned before Christmas.  They are due January 19th.

Monday, January 9, 2012

6A Vocabulary Words for Week of Jan 9th

Dominican Republic

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Book Reports and Projects DUE THIS TUESDAY!!!!

PLEASE remember reports and projects are due this Tuesday.  There will be NO exceptions and NO extensions-you have known about this since the second week of school with weekly reminders.  Report MUST BE TYPED. 

7A Vocabulary-week of Jan 9

1. tentative
2. specter
3. typhus
4. mourning
5. staccato
6. stricken
7. latticed
8. exasperated
9. sprawling
10. tantalize
11. warily
12. deprivation
13. permeated
14. concealed
15. anthem

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Vocabulary for 6B for the week of Jan. 9th

1. morgue
2. taffeta
3. lawn (fabric)
4. anarchist
5. frivolous
6. tremulous
7. treadle
8. excruciating
9. scandalous
10. chastise
11. condone
12. cumbersome
13. din
14. earnest
15. throng

Friday, January 6, 2012

I hope this helps...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

7A-Reading Number the Stars / 6B-Ashes of Roses

Test 1-4 Thursday Number the Stars                                  Test 1-15 Ashes of Roses
Book Report Jan 10th                                                        Book Report Jan. 10
                                                                                          Interview Questions Jan 19

6A-Reading Novel Tia Lola

First test on Thursday--Chapter 1.  Students should be reading this book every night. 

Vocabulary Test on Friday this week.

Book Report due Jan. 10th.

Interview questions due Jan. 19th